18 Years Building a People-First Culture

Our people-first culture focuses on the power of human connection and prioritizes the wellbeing, growth, and career of our KWANers. We believe that when we take time to value and nurture our people, they can reach extraordinary heights in their careers.

In KWAN every voice matters.


Our Guiding Principles

We expect nothing else but your best work, for that, it’s normal that you fail, try again and give your best until you succeed. We want you to be a part of the solution and not the problem.

At the end of the day, we want everyone to feel well treated in our environment, so we have zero-tolerance policy for idiots on our team, and we expect you to take care of each other. Show that you care. Show it with your actions and words.

At KWAN, we want a familiar, friendly environment that promotes trust. Trust among us, trust with our customers, trust with our partners. Be a part of that environment, build it, and nurture it. We know how important it is to feel part of something bigger than ourselves.

We don’t want our customers to just like our products, services, or brands. We aim to have raving fans of our experience! That’s why we constantly look to delivering that “wow” factor that positively surprises anyone who interacts with us. We take this very seriously, and we know it starts from within.

Being humble mens recognizing that we don’t control most of our lives and that if we prosper today, it’s because we’re part of a collective intelligence that can uplift or destroy us. We celebrate our victories and know that tomorrow everything can be tested and changed again. We thrive on living in gratitude and staying humble for who we are. Arrogance and significance don’t last long at RUPEAL.

We all know the difference between doing what’s right and doing what’s wrong. Knowing and observing what works and what doesn’t. Being responsible, honest, and ethical is mandatory.

Constant and never-ending improvement is part of our DNA. And we know we can only improve if we get constant feedback and coaching. That is why it’s so important to get feedback in an open way and not take it personally. Otherwise, we are unable to grow as human beings.

At the end of the day, it is not who has the most resources that succeeds. It’s the one who does the most with the resources available. We need to be creative to achieve the same or better results with the resources we have, which is why it’s so important to always try and do more with less.

We know that everything that doesn’t grow is actually dying. That is why we always strive to make different distinctions and search for new knowledge that improves our lives, be it on a professional or personal level, as it will make us better collectively as a group. That is why it’s so important that you pursue your personal growth and development.

Why work so many hours if you’re not having fun? We expect you to have fun with us, have a great sense of humor, develop amazing connections, and have a sense of purpose. Have fun! Otherwise, what’s the point of what we do?

Establish human connections is the first step in creating a Bright Future

At KWAN, we take both our work and our socializing very seriously.

Humans are designed for connection, and with our big events like Summer Sessions, Christmas Dinners, Meetups, Get-Togethers, and many more, we want to elevate that connection to a whole new level.


Our People-First Culture in Pictures

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Make sure your mission has the right crew, so your project lands on the Bright Future.